Author Instructions

Presenting Instructions for Parallel Session – Presenting Authors

  • There is no common template for IASS 2024 Presentations
  • All presentation rooms are equipped with computers, and include Powerpoint (favoured presentation software) or PDF
  • Presentations should be 16:9 format (for optimal screen usage)
  • All rooms are equipped with a presentation screen, sound, and microphone
  • You may use your own HDMI compatible laptop (or provide your own adaptor for USB C or Display Port)
  • If you use your own computer you must TEST it in advance of the session (see below)

Preparations (on the day of presentation)

  • All parallel sessions occur in the HIL Building in the auditoriums E3 – E9 (see map)
  • All parallel sessions occur after a break (either a coffee break or lunch), or at the start of day.
  • All presenting authors should report to the assigned presentation room 30 minutes before their session
  • Session moderators will be in the room to pre-coordinate the session
  • Before the session begins – please test your connection to the screen and presentation (including video and sound if used)
  • Technical assistants are present in the E-open space (outside presentation rooms) for assistance during the testing time.

Sessions Instructions

  • Session moderators may determine the order for presentations within the parallel session.
  • All authors have been notified if they are invited for Long presentation (10min) or a Short Presentation (5min).
  • Moderators will warn presenters at the 2min remaining mark (YELLOW card), and at the end of the allowed time (RED card).
  • Please keep to your allotted time!
  • Session moderators determine if audience questions occur after each paper, or in a round at the end of the presentations.

Publication Instructions for Final Submissions

Please edit and revise your final paper submission based on reviewer comment feedback. 

  • The final submission must conform to the IASS template
  • The text should NOT contain any hyperlinks in the document (internal references or external URL)
  • The submission must be submitted in PDF format
  • The final manuscript will not be edited or corrected – this is the full responsibility of the authors
  • Final paper submission deadline is July 1, 2024 at 23:59 (CEST) – submitted using Easychair


Accepted and submitted (PDF) papers – are NOT automatically published and scheduled for presentation. There are 4 requirements for accepted papers to be confirmed for publishing and presentation at IASS 2024:

  1. The updated paper must be properly formatted using the IASS 2024 template and submitted as a PDF by July 1st.
  2. The “Corresponding  Author” must sign and submit the IASS 2024 Proceedings Copyright declaration together with the paper by July 1st:
  3. The “Presenting Author” must be registered and have completed the purchase of their ticket for IASS 2024.
  4. A “Presenting author” may only present ONE paper (one presenter = one paper) – See: submission guidelines.

All authors/papers must meet these criteria by August to be included in the schedule for presentation and papers.

Tickets and Registration:

Please proceed with the registration of the Presenting Author NOW: Registration

Symposium Information

Authors are responsible for their own travel and accommodation. The IASS Website page on Travel and Accommodation contains all information for registered visitors travelling to Zurich to attend IASS 2024 …including information on:

  • Useful tips, links, and websites
  • Travel documents for entering Switzerland
  • Travelling to Switzerland
  • Travelling within Zurich and Switzerland
  • Booking Hotel Accommodation
  • What to do in Zurich and Switzerland