Key Information
- The symposium is limited to a total of 500 registrations.
- Early Bird registration tickets are limited to 350 total -or- 31 May 2024, whichever comes first.
- Regular price, full-registration tickets will be offered from 1 June to 16 August 2024.
- Registration ticket prices are categorised for IASS Members, Non-members, students and professionals.
Registration Categories and Prices

Registration Entitlements (click to review)
FULL Symposium Registration entitlements
- Applies to all Student, Member, and Non-member FULL SYMPOSIUM (4 day) Registrations
- Admission to all Symposium sessions 26 – 29 August 2024
- Admission to the IASS 2024 Exhibition
- Delegate materials
- A ticket to the Welcome Reception held on Monday 26 August
- A ticket to the Symposium Summer-Fest Dinner held on Wednesday 28 August (included in registration !)
- All catering including morning coffee, lunch and afternoon break
SINGLE Day Registration entitlements
- Applies only to Single Day registrations
- Admission to the Symposium, Exhibition, and symposium catering on the specific day
- Delegate materials
Key Pages: Before registering consult the following pages: