Joining the IASS

All researchers, academics, practitioners, professionals or anyone interested in the design, analysis, and construction of structures are welcome to become members of the IASS.
Membership Benefits
Membership levels and specific benefits
- Access to all electronic editions of the Journal of the IASS and other publications, reports and proceedings of the IASS
- Working Group Participation
- Voting Rights in the annual IASS elections for the Executive Council and in all referenda
- Access to the online members-only Directory, including the option to post a personal profile
- Member pricing and discounted registration fees at all IASS symposia and colloquia
For full details of the IASS member benefits consult the IASS website here.
Membership Categories
New memberships categories
- Student members (€15 per year): current undergraduate or postgraduate students at a recognized institution of higher learning.
- Individual members (€85 per year): individuals who share the aims of the IASS.
- Collective members (€425 per year): organisations who wish to extend the benefits of IASS membership to thier members
For full details of membership categories consult the IASS website here.